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The Regional Natural Park Dune Costiere, from Torre Canne to Torre San Leonado, covers the territories of Ostuni and Fasano on approximately 1,100 acres along eight kilometers of coastline and extends until the internal agricultural areas occupied by centuries-old olive groves and ancient farms. The boundary follows the course of the lame-  small erosive furrows, typical of the Apulian countryside- for a total of 55 kilometers; it is set inside the Site of Community Importance (SCI) "Brindisi Coast", including the European network "Natura 2000", whose goal is to preserve natural habitats and species of plants and animals in danger of extinction. This SCI is in fact characterized by high value coastal wetlands, inhabited by rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, which reproduce here or during their migrations.

The park area is characterized by a high diversity of environments. Proceeding from the sea inland there are the beaches, the dunes, the wetland area behind the dunes, fossil dunes, lame and ancient olive groves. In the protected area there are numerous natural habitats, some of which are likely to disappear from the EU territory and require a special attention.

The park was established by Regional Law no. 31 of 27 October 2006, with the aim to preserve and recover the habitats and plant and animal species listed in the EC Directives 79/409/EEC and 92/43/EEC. It also aims at proteting the landscapes​​, the ecological balance, the hydrological surface and groundwater, the architectural and historical heritage. 

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PARCO NATURALE REGIONALE "Dune costiere da Torre Canne a Torre S. Leonardo" - e-mail PEC
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