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Behind the agropyron land grow the plants that form the mobile dunes, on highest sand dunes but still mobile; they consist of perennial herbaceous species with a prevalence of marram grass: the dense bushes of this robust graminaceous effectively restrain the movement of the sand; it is assisted in this action by the other characteristic species of the association. The presence of this type of vegetation indicates that the dunes are of recent formation and that the sands are more consolidated than those characterized by the agropyron land.
Among the significant species of the mobile dunes there is the sea lily, an herbaceous plant with white, large and fragrant flowers blooming in July and August, and the shore bindweed, characterized by a long stolonifer rhizome plunged deep in search of traces of humidity, and rare and showy ephemeral flowers (lasting for one day), which can be admired in the period from May to July.
Park Authority