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With the creation of the “Fédération des Plus Beaux Villages de la Terre”, constituted by «the Most Beautiful Villages » Clubs of France, Belgium, Canada, Italy and Japan - the international network which preserves and promotes villages and small towns, so far cut out from the routes of international tourism but rich in history, architecture and art - the foundations have been laid to start the project to set up an international network of the national networks of the most beautiful villages of countries overlooking the Mediterranean Sea in which the thousand-year-old cultural heritage of Mediterranean peoples has settled.
“The most beautiful Villages in Italy” Club has decided to entrust the town of Cisternino the task of coordinating the project because it is situated in the Apulia Region, which is the only Region that has officially instituted a Mediterranean authority department.
The objective of the project is to promote in the Mediterranean Area the creation of networks similar to those already existing in Italy (“I Borghi più belli d’Italia”), in Spain (“Pueblos más Bonitos de España”), and in France (“Les Plus Beaux Villages de France”), so that the new national networks in countries such as Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Malta, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Algeria, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Palestine can become members of the Fédération des Plus Beaux Villages de la Terre.
The project aims at building in each country a network of coastal villages and small towns (located at a maximum distance of two-hour-journey from the coast) with no more than 15,000 inhabitants, that have a historical, artistic and architectural heritage certifiable through a quality paper validated by the Federation of Les Plus Beaux Villages de la Terre, and that are willing to subscribe a protection agreement including the following points:
1) Preservation and improvement of the historic centre of old towns, enhancement of the original settlement and of monuments of high value;
2) Protection of the environment and fight against unauthorised building and the consumption of land;
3) Safeguard of local agroindustrial products and agricultural or fishing planning;
4) Preservation of material culture (festivals, traditions, special events etc…);
5) Efficient and sufficient public services to guarantee a good life-style to residents;
6) Best practices exchange and problem sharing with associated villages.
Furthermore, we like to notice that the promotion of a network of the most beautiful villages in the Mediterranean area is very important both for geopolitical reasons and for economic development, because
a. the Mediterranean Area is the most important touristic area in the world;
b. there is a special need to promote the collaboration between Northern and Southern, Eastern and Western countries overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, which, in our opinion, is of vital importance to maintaining good relationships between States and to share with poorer countries the Know-how to run autonomously the architectural, environmental and landscape heritage and the touristic potential.
The project has already gained some important achievements:
October 26, 2013 - 1st International Conference in Cisternino.
6 to 8 June 2014 - Working in Crete with the presence of mayors from Turkey, Palestine, Cyprus, as well as from Crete and Italy.
June 25, 2014 - Signing of a memorandum of understanding agreement between the municipality of Cisternino, the Association of "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy" and the Region of Puglia - the Mediterranean, with the aim of developing international cooperation in the cultural sector for the promotion of the territories in the countries of the Mediterranean basin.
17 October 2014 - 2nd International Conference in Cisternino with the presence of representatives from Crete, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Italy, Malta, Palestine and Turkey.
2014 - establishment of the network of "The most beautiful villages" of Palestine.
16 to 19 October 2015 – 3rd International Conference in Cisternino with the presence of representatives from Croatia, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Palestine, Slovenia and Turkey.
The International Conference of Cisternino, because of its importance and relevance, in recent years has received the award of the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic, under the patronage of the Prime Minister´s Office and the Ministry of Economic Development, as well as the membership of various National and Regional organizations and represented an important step for the realization of the project, thanks to the work carried out in synergy between various and numerous institutions.
The project is working now for the organization of the 4th International Conference planned, as in the past, jointly by the town of Cisternino, the Club of "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy" and Puglia Region. The 4th International Conference is going to take place on 28 – 29 – 30 October 2016 in Cisternino, Puglia, Italy (please see attached program), where the following aspects will be enhanced:
· examination of the project related to the construction of National networks for "The Most Beautiful Villages" in the Mediterranean Basin
· The Routes of peace of the Mediterranean basin: the role of the villages as instruments for social integration;
· The Beauty Economies and touristic hosting the Routes and the EuroVelo Cycle Routes in the Euro-Mediterranean basin, marketing tools to promote the area and eco-friendly tourism;
· Co-design best practice for the urban exploitation of the villages;
· Creation of a new strategic partnership with selected international countries, regions and villages in areas of mutual interest.
Also this year we decided to allow our guests to spend several opportunities for educational tours of the Apulian territory in order give them a good knowledge of some of the most characteristic villages of Puglia.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or clarification:
Organizational Office:
· Giovanni Punzi (Italian) 0039 - 080 - 4448537 - mail
· Luca Palazzo (English) 0039 - 347 - 1611296 - mail
· Maria Ancona (Inglese) 0039 - 388 - 0485105 - mail
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