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Environmental education activities are resumed with the event BEACHES AND CLEAN BOTTLES.

I am pleased to send you the extract reserved for the Park in the magazine "il7 MAGAZINE" which encourages us to prepare ourselves to face the post pandemic with the opening to the public.

Best wishes

The overall objective of the project is to improve seagrass preservation and restoration through laying safe anchorage innovative systems, performing pilot transplantations, carrying out monitoring activities and by defining an integrated management system for seagrasses in Adriatic area.

The project will spend 30 months on three research sites: Panzano Bay, Monfalcone (IT), National Park Kornati (CRO) and the coast in the Regional Natural Park of Coastal Dunes from Torre Canne to Torre San Leonardo (IT). The SASPAS project is financed by the European Foundation for Regional Development under the Interreg V-A Program IT-CRO CBC (Priority Axis 3- Environment and Cultural Heritage). The lead partner is the Municipality of Monfalcone, and the project also includes seven (7) partners from Italy and Croatia.

PROJECT PARTNERS • Municipality Of Monfalcone (IT) • Selc Cooperative Company (IT) • National Interuniversity Consortium for Marine Sciences (IT) • Provisional Management Consortium of Regional Natural Park »Coastal Dunes From Torre Canne To Torre San Leonardo« (IT) • Association for Nature, Environment And Sustainable Development Sunce (CRO) • Kornati National Park (CRO) • University of Rijeka (CRO) • Consortium for The Coordination Of Research Activities Concerning The Venice Lagoon System (IT)

Total budget of the project: 1.906.100,00 EUR Funds of the program (ERDF): 1.620.185,00 EUR

Start of project: 01/01/2019

End of project: 30/06/2021  

Sunday, 19th February 2017, h. 10,00- Masseria “Il Frantoio”

A study day organized to recognize the wild herbs around the thousand-year-old olive groves managed with biological methods and registered according to the L.R 14/2007 about the safeguard of the landscape of the secular olive trees of Apulia.

The Park of Costal Dunes and Masseria “Il frantoio” organize an excursion through the fields of the thousand-year-old olive groves of the Masseria “il Frantoio”, managed with biological methods in order to discover the varieties of wild herbs which nature can give us. The event, now at the 9th edition, has been organized in collaboration with the center of the environmental education “Il Ginepro”, the association “Passo di Terra” and the publishing house “Stilo”.

Learn to know the spontaneous edible flora and the best ways to use it.

Stories, curiosities, nutritional properties and popular traditions of the main wild edible plants will be told by experts and passionate connoisseurs of wild herbs like Abele Lomascolo and the agronomist Felice Suma, the author of the Park’s notebook “La Bontà delle Malerbe” published by the “Stilo publishing house”. At the end of the walk it will be possible to have lunch at the same Farm with a menu based on biological products, wild herbs and flowers, a good Apulian wine and homemade liquors.

“Il Frantoio” is a Park Brand farm certificated with the European Charter for the sustainable Tourism  CETS.

The excursion for the acknowledgement of the wild herbs is free. The reservation is necessary.

For information and reservations tel. 0831330276 or

Guided Tour into the Natural Park of Costal Dunes, to discorver its landscapes and ecosystems, from the sea to the wetland.

We will start from the S. Leonardo costal tower, full of charm and history, directed to the nord, walking on the seaside. An astonishing view of the lighthouse of Torre Canne will indicate the northern bound of the Costal Dunes Park.

On the right side the sea, with its winter clours; on the left side, the dunes with sand and centuries-old junipers, myrtles, mastic trees and sand lilies. Outside the costal dunes there will be the wetland of Morelli River, another important habitat and one of the longest river of Salento. We will explore the peschiera and know the the traditional fishing practice of golden mullet and eels.

Along the seaside, we will discover a large number of trails left by sea’s inhabitants: cuttlebones, shark eggs (or egg cases), posidonia oceanica, algae with various and picturesques forms. And then the black sand...we will learn its origin. 

This appointment is included into a large number of activities shared between the Natural Park of Costal Dunes and Cooperativa Serapia, an enterprise which signed the European Chartes Of Sustainable Tourism.

Info and details

Meeting Sunday 28th Jenuary, at 9.30 a.m., at the Camping ‘Il Pilone’, (N 40°48,197´ - E 17°32,337´), Ostuni (BR).

The low difficulty 5 km walk, will end at 1 pm.

Trekking sneakers and comfortable clothes are suggested.

Reservation is recommended calling the number 347 0081412 (Francesco)or e-mailing to

Next January 15th at Albergabici in Montalbano (Fasano)

“Botanic watercolour course” is the title of naturalistic drawing and painting course that will begin next January, 15th at Albergabici in Montalbano (Fasano).

The Coop. Serapia, in collaboration with the Naural Park of Costal Dunes, arranged with great enthusiasm a drawing course to know and learn the varius shades of the nature, in a different and artistic way. The watercolur course will be held by the famous painter Rossella De Mola, from Fasano, who will be always supported by a naturalistic guide of Coop. Serapia team.

Nature and art lessons, in fact, will be addressed to people of different age and with any different backgrond, which want to learn drawing and painting elements linked to the knowledge of Park’s biodiversity.

There will be seven meetings, with duration of two hours and half, organized in short theoretical analysis and practice exercises. Moreover, there will be shown the most important drawing and painting techniques, in ascending difficulty. 

The course finishes with a certificate of attendance.

The seven meetings will take place every sunday morings, starting from the next 15th of January, to the 12th of March, from 10 a.m to 12.30 a.m. Single lesson’s price is 15€, whereas the price of the complete course is 70€, inclusive of educational material and suggestive final tour. For any further information go to website, write to or call to 3286474719 (Marialucrezia Colucci).

Sunday, December 11th, as every year, during the TERRA MADRE DAY will hold the guided tour of the ancient system of aquaculture of Morelli River, in the central area of the Regional Natural Park Dune Costiere ‘from Torre Canne to Torre S. Leonardo’, where today is still possible the traditional fishing practice of golden mullet and eels, to know the sustainable fishing and the authentic values of local products.

This experience is really important not only to promote the knowledge of local food, but also to analyze the production of forgotten meals and their sustainable consumption methods.

The CEA (Environmental Educational Center)”il Ginepro” of Ostuni - in collaboration with the Regional Natural Park Dune Costiere, the Archaeological Park of St. Maria d’Agnano and Coop. Gaia - proposes the guided tour for free. It is foundamental to share a food production well-established into local economies, which respects the environment, traditional knowledge and biodiversity and which works to create alternative production methods in order to follow the precious environmental phylosophy promoted by ‘Slow Food’ and ‘Piana degli Ulivi’.

It is recommended to wear  comfortable clothes and trekking shoes or similar.

Meeting Sunday, December 11th at 9.30 a.m., at Lido Morelli, next to Morelli River.

For more info and reservation, you can call the numbers 347 0042961/ 320 6251107. 

Thursday, December 1st and Friday, December 2nd 2016, from 4 to 8 p.m. Istituto Tecnico Agrario Pantanelli-Monnet di Ostuni

Next Thursday will begin an olive oil sensory course to introduce olive growers to the analysis of the different qualities and features of the olive oil. The educational activity is arranged by the Regional Natural Park Dune Costiere from Torre Canne to Torre San Leonardo in collaboration with the Consorzio Salentino Olivicoltori. The course will last two days, Thursday and Friday, the first two days of December, from 4 to 8 p.m. to the Istituto Tecnico Agrario ‘Pantanelli Monnet’ of Ostuni.

Two experts, dr. Alfredo Marasciulo and the professor Francesco Prudentino, will support us to value the oil made by the participants, in order to make a sensory analysis (with the smell and the taste in particular) and after examine the organoleptic characteristics and the presence of potencial problems that will be resolved with a correct management of the olive grove and the different phases of the olive transformation into the olive-press.

The aim of that educational activity is to improve the sustainable management of the centuries-old olive groves of the Park, which is occupied by remarkable agricultural areas, especially with ancient olive groves.  

Sunday, November 27, 2016 - 9:30 am

According to tradition, this year too an overview of events and walks throughout the wetland of the Parco delle dune Costiere has beginning, for the purpose of promote and give value to this delicate ecosystems and allow a sustainable fruition of the natural environment, the rural landscape and the knowledge of the traditional products of the territory of the protected area.

The trekking of this Sunday wants to make known and appreciate the fish species that naturally live in the pond of the wetland of ‘Fiume Morelli’ and to make you discover through the tales of the local fishermen the traditional methods of fishing.

The initiative has been organised in collaboration with the Park Dune Costiere and the center of environmental education “il ginepro” in Ostuni, that is always actively involved in the promotion and  the spread of the environmental education and the naturalistic fruition of the territory.

The Meeting is at 9.30 at the Car Park of Lido Morelli in Ostuni.

The walk is suitable to all the ages. It is suggested to wear  comfortable clothes, trekking shoes or similar, cap and to bring with a little bottle of water.

The reservation is necessary and places are limited and the same itinerary can be made by bike contacting the  cooperative Maderabike at 327.5785185 or 

PARCO NATURALE REGIONALE "Dune costiere da Torre Canne a Torre S. Leonardo" - e-mail PEC